Thursday, August 2, 2012

Slytherin Tournament of Hotties!!!

64 hotties were entered into the SToH.  Only 1 can be the hottest hottie.  Here are the results of the final round of voting.
The numbers represent the percentage of votes.
It was pretty much a slam dunk for the Potions Master from the start.  There was no doubt he would come out on top once the dust had settled.

Spring 2012 Slytherin Tournament of Hotties Hotest Hottie, Severus Snape!

Spring 2012 Bracket Breakdown

I want to thank everyone who participated in the inaugural Slytherin Tournament of Hotties!!! I hope you had as much fun as I did!

Stay tuned to the blog and the Snake Pit for important details about next term's tourney!!

If you have any ideas or suggestions for next term please feel free to PM me, BlindSquirrel.

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