Monday, October 25, 2010

Quidditch: Slytherin Style!

Hi everyone! Dreamy Jamie (a.k.a. suenosdejmi a.k.a. part of the Quidditch Coaching Staff) reporting in with some fun Slytherin Quidditch. If you didn't know, my specific job as part of the Quidditch Coaching staff is to run the challenges, and this term our challenges are taking place as House Pride Exhibitions.

Our House Pride Exhibition was the last weekend in September, and of course we brought it. Participants scored 1290 points for Slytherin! LNS made this awesome video slideshow of all of the HPE projects that were submitted over the weekend. (Sorry, it doesn't fit super well, the video's also available to view on YouTube here )

Lots of cheering took place too, over 200 cheers for the House of Slytherin! There were loads and loads of awesome ones, but these were some of my favorites.

In written awesomeness, Bidibid opened the HPE with the Slytherin Song of Merry Beasts.
Fosterson, AerieIris, Rockinsticks,  also brought some literary awesome (click their names to see their awesome)

Bidibid brought her Alot of Pride to the Pitch to cheer us on. Look at the cute little pompoms. 

 Seakame drew a lovely picture to show her pride!

Mordia posted this little gem. Useful to remember next time you get caught in the Castle after hours...

And finally, this freaked me out hardcore, brought to you by anguinea

These just scratch the surface of the AWESOME that was the Slytherin HPE. If you didn't check it out, you should! It started here. 

Stay tuned for more Slytherin Quidditch Awesome!

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