Wednesday, December 30, 2009

In the Dungeon: Day 1: OMB!

First off, hello! I'm Jamie, a.k.a. suenosdejmi on Ravelry. I'm one of the Slytherin Prefects and my main blog duty this term is to post the what/what of the Slytherin Common Room. For reference, any Official Slytherin News will always be in the main header of the common room, but will probably be posted here too.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the 1000+ posts of Day 1, just tune into the blog, where every few days (a minimum of once a week, honest!) I'll be posting the coolest things that have happened in the common room as of late. These are what I think are cool (or useful), so if you don't like it, well, read the Common Room! :P

Day 1:
  1. HOTTIES. Loads of Hotties have been posted today. An easy way to see them all is to use the pictures only feature of the common room.  (there are also lots of cats in this, strangely enough...)
  2. Big Snake/Middle Snake/Little Snake nest assignments. They're also posted here on the blog.
  3. For those of you who are seekers of the Slytherin Quest, we dubbed LNS the chick in charge and started talking about some rules. Ultimate Quest anyone?
  4. There's a chat room. Seriously. There is.
  5. Scarlettb is made of awesome.  And Clooney is hawt!
  6. Last Term's Owl Exam rules are here. They might be different this term, but they are great guidelines to get an idea beforehand. New ones will go up with classes on the 1st.
  7. Quidditch will be made of awesome and the guidelines will come out soon! Some hints and details are here.
If you have any questions about the above, or anything else, comment here, or PM me on Ravelry. I heart questions!


  1. And bunnies! There are pictures of glorious BUNNIES in there as well. :)

  2. Don't forget Coleva's and Fosterson's Marathon Challenge! I can't wait to see all the pretty handspun yarns!

  3. Ooh, yeah! See, i think all of the handspun stuff flew straight over my head. I'm really excited to see the gorgeousness too.
